
AMML has facilities to perform closed circuit grindability tests (Bond work indices).

Comminution tests are important to establish the power consumption to grind the ore to the required size for liberation purposes.

Bond Closed Circuit Grindability Tests

Determining the Bond work indexes of a sample involves tests using laboratory scale grinding circuits. A unit weight is determined by achieving maximum packing of the prepared ore sample; the unit weight is then fed into the circuit, with undersized product being replaced by fresh feed at the commencement of each cycle. The grind times for each cycle are determined by the percentage of undersize product with relation to an ideal period product (IPP). Upon obtaining a consistent IPP, the undersize product of the final cycle is sized to obtain a work index.

Bond Ball Work Index (BBWi)

The sample is staged crushed to 100% passing 3.35 mm. The crushed feed sample is subject to a grinding by a standard ball mill. The BBWi is calculated after achieving a consistent IPP of ~28%.

Bond Rod Work Index (BRWi)

The sample is staged crushed to 100% passing 12.5 mm. The crushed feed sample is subject to a grinding by a standard rod mill. The BRWi is calculated after achieving a consistent IPP of ~50%.