Solid/Liquid Separation


Static thickening/clarification settling tests on concentrates and tailing samples to establish settling characteristics and thickener settling area requirements.

  • Initially small scale tests are conducted to evaluate different flocculants and coagulants as well as other chemical conditions
  • Settling tests are then undertaken in glass cylinders of 1000/2000 mL volumes
  • Settling profiles are measured over the settling time and final underflow density is measured
  • Data is used to determine thickener unit area

Vacuum Leaf Filtration Tests

Tests can be conducted to determine the optimal filter type and to estimate the filtration rate and cake moisture that can be expected on a plant vacuum filter.

Co-operation with Equipment Suppliers

As many equipment suppliers have specialised testing equipment for their specialty thickeners and filters, AMML can provide assistance for their companies by providing our laboratory facilities for suppliers to use their equipment.