Gravity Concentration

Knelson Concentrator

A 3 inch batch concentrator (model number: KC-MD3), typically useful for recovering fine liberated precious metals at a laboratory scale.

Wilfley Table

A 1:4 lab scale unit with decks for fine and coarse separations of heavy valuable minerals.

Gold Panning and Amalgamation

Gravity concentrates can be further upgraded by hand panning. Free gold within the gravity concentrates can also be recovered by amalgamation with mercury.

Amalgamation is used in the laboratory as a method of indication the free gold content of ores and gravity concentrates. Free gold is dissolved by mercury and the mercury is subsequently analysed for gold by fire assay.

Gravity Recoverable Gold (GRG)

A combination of gravity concentration methods may be used to characterise the gravity recoverable gold (GRG) content of an orebody. Testwork is completed at multiple grind sizes to aid in the optimisation of gravity plant circuits.